Project Type

Phosphoric Acid Clarifiers

Project Owner

Samarqandkimyo JSC

Project Location

Samarkand Region, Republic of Uzbekistan

Project Details

Construction of a vertically integrated manufacturer of high-quality MAP and NPK fertilizers in Samarqandkimyo JSC, including a phosphate mining pit and enrichment plant in Navoi Region.Covering domestic needs of Uzbekistan in MAP and NPK fertilizers with further access to the markets of Central Asia.

3A Makina's Role

Complete fabrication and delivery of 6 x ∅15m tank diameter clarifiers made from 904L

3A Makina Processes

  • Fabrication of clarifier inner mechanisms,
    Material: 904L
  • Fabrication of clarifier outer mechanisms,
    Material: 904L
  • Fabrication of clarifier tank supports,
    Material: 904L

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